The HRC is one of the leading research facility in its domain. It has recieved many prizes for its numerous findings in fields where the HRC is most proficient. Here are some quotes from pretigious people that were impressed with the HRC accomplishments:

“Nope, never heard of it.”
– Nobel Prize winner, Anne Honimus

“What are you on about?”
– Mr. Boombastic, Alfred Nobel

“Please, leave me alone.”
– Greatest mind of our time, Aiyam Kallin the Paulice

Our goals

At the HRC, we strive to further research in the realm of computer music. We are always innovating and never shy away from a challenge. One of our greatest achievment, after years of extensive experimentation, is the discovery of the inability for computer to learn to sing even after going through the most intensive music curriculum imaginable.

For the foreseeable future, the HRC will continue its effort to make the perfect singing computer. We will do anything that’s in our power to offer the opportunity for these machine to be the lead in a Broadway musical – that is, unless it involves long and arduous mathematical proofs.

The founders of HEKAR

Hekar Traumerei (maybe?), Founder of the HEKAR Institute (hopefully.)
Not-Hekar Not Traumerei, Everything but the founder of the HEKAR Institute
Eyekar Traumereyes, The guy with a third eye

Contact us

Go ahead, do it. I dare you.